No longer do planners look at the automobile as the primary mode of transport. Instead, they see mobility as a service with multiple options of moving people. Multimobile designs transportation programs for targeted audiences. Whether you are a business, multi-family home developer, senior center, neighborhood, or transportation agency, we can work with you to explore and develop more mobility options beyond the single-occupant automobile—and more importantly, get people to use them.
Multimobile’s community based social marketing strategies influences the whole community rather than just individuals. We foster an ethos of multiple mobility choices and then find the right fit for that community. We recruit ambassadors from within the community to encourage participation and model the new behavior. Recognizing that most people don’t know how to use transit, or are nervous to ride their bike in traffic, we teach people how to plan and navigate their trips and utilize the latest technology to make it as easy as possible.
This technique has proven highly successful in Seattle’s In Motion program. They have implemented the program in a number of neighborhoods in the greater Seattle area and each time they increase transit riders and reduce congestion. There are many options for getting from here to there—but most people don’t know what’s available, or how to access it.
Multimobile can change that.
Contact us today to find out how multimobile can help you!
Wendi Kallins has been shifting people to green travel modes for over 20 years. As the co-founder and Program Coordinator for the national model Marin Safe Routes to Schools, she increased green travel to 50% for students in Marin County, CA. She is now committed to helping spread green travel options to the wider adult community. Through consultation, trainings, and curriculum development, Wendi has traveled the country, spreading the Safe Routes program to over 40 communities nationwide. She has been a featured speaker at dozens of conferences, nationally and internationally.
Contact her today to bring Multimobile options to your community.